Be a part of The Women of Fatorda

The Women of Fatorda is a brand that gives dignity of life and labour to the marginalised women who belong to the Hindu, Christian and Muslim communities of Goa, who are determined to seek their financial independence by sharing with you the traditional recipes of their communities that have a history of more than 500 years. These unique masalas are made with the choicest ingredients sourced from local farms and are hygienically packed to offer you the most authentic aroma and taste of traditional Goan cuisine.

The Women of Fatorda brand of masalas also aims to showcase unknown and hidden gems of Goan cuisine that reflect the essence of these communities, and popularise their cuisine worldwide. We’re very unique and premium as a brand and do not face any similar masala brands anywhere in the world. We’ve twelve varieties of curry masalas and will be periodically adding to them.

If you love food— cooking or eating or both— and empathise with our cause, you can help as a distributor, retailer or an evangelist. If you’re a housewife, home cook or a professional; if you own and operate a small retail outlet or a shop, or work from home, or not engaged in particularly anything, wherever you are, you can join our cause and help carry our message further, and profit from it.

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