Payment Policy

Payment Policy

Online Purchasing & Payment

When placing an order on our website, follow the following easy steps:

  1. Add to cart: Add the desired product(s) to the cart. If you would like to continue shopping, click on any of the categories on the left and add any other product(s) as desired.
  2. Review Cart: Once you have completed adding the desired product(s) to the cart and reviewed your selection, click ‘Checkout’ at the bottom. If you happen to be on another page, then proceed to the ‘My Cart’ link on the top right of the screen and then click ‘Checkout’ at the bottom of the cart.
  3. Customer Info: If you are purchasing for the first time, you will be prompted to fill in your name and contact details along with billing address and shipping destination. If you are already a member, you can check the information and make any necessary changes. Once you are done, click on ‘Next’ at the bottom of the cart.
  4. Shipping & Payment: Standard shipping costs will be displayed. You will then select the preferred method of payment. We accept all major credit cards. Please note the following:
    • The customer’s billing address must match the name of the card used
    • All purchases require bank authorization prior to processing

    Once you have selected your preferred method of payment and entered the necessary information, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the cart.

  5. Review Order: You will be asked to review your order once more to ensure that it is correct. You should check the products you have ordered, the billing information, shipping information, shipping method, and payment method. If you need to make any changes, click ‘Edit’ at the bottom of the cart. Once you are satisfied that everything is in order, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the cart.

  6. Confirm Order: Your order has now been placed. You will receive an email notification.
  7. Tax: All prices are exclusive of GST. If there are any other taxes/duties applicable in your state/country, it is your responsibility to pay them.

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